The Catholic Church recognizes parents/guardians as the primary educators of their children. The role of the parish school is to supplement and complement the role of the parent. In the school, a formal catechetical program is taught daily. The Diocesan Catechetical Curriculum Guidelines, “Growing in God’s Covenant” contain a balance of doctrinal content, scriptural understanding, faith formation, prayer and worship experiences.
Goals and objectives are constant and consistent to enhance the spiritual formation and moral development of all students. A genuine, personal relationship with God and the response of worship and service are ultimate goals of the religious instruction. Liturgical and personal prayer are outcomes of the guidance and religious instruction provided. Opportunities for communal, as well as personal prayer are a daily priority. Careful planning and programming ensure a broad and deep understanding of authentic Church Doctrine. A variety of materials and resources are used to foster both spiritual growth and moral development.
Our Lady of Fatima is committed to a program of education that seeks knowledge and practice of the Catholic faith, academic excellence, moral courage and the learning of the faith in the light of social teachings of the Church.
Our Catholic School offers a strong traditional curriculum. In the "Continuous Growth Program" of the Diocese of Pittsburgh, students advance through a defined curriculum according to their individual needs and abilities. In addition to meeting all the requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the curriculum gives special attention to the integration of Gospel values.
Research indicates that children will achieve according to the expediencies placed upon them by their teachers and parents. Catholic school teachers place high expectation on all children so that all children are encouraged to achieve to the best of their ability.
This is particularly true in the skill areas of Reading and Math. The curricula for these subjects are so designed that students can advance through defined levels of competency according to their needs and abilities. Student achievement is evaluated at the students’ grade level.
The goals of the Continuous Growth Program in Language Arts and Math are:
It is the mission of Our Lady of Fatima to develop the individual child spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially, and physically in a faith environment rooted in Gospel values. The administration, faculty, staff, and parents dedicate their energies and talents to meeting these needs of the children in all facets of their education by incorporating Gospel values in everyday activities within the family, school, community, and the church: by teaching as Jesus taught, living Gospel values boldly by example of our lives, building community, and being of service to each other and the world around us.
We strive to be as inclusive as possible in welcoming all students for whom we can provide an appropriate education. Therefore, we implement the Diocesan Academic Support Model to assist students who are struggling academically and/or have been identified as a person with a special need. Parents may request information from the principal or the child’s teacher.